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Attorney Nicole Whyte Featured at OCBA Family Law Section Seminar


Nicole Whyte—skilled family law attorney and a named partner at Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara—recently had a speaking engagement at an Orange County Bar Association (OCBA) Family Law Section Seminar titled, “Down The Rabbit Hole: Presenting and Defending Attorney Fee Claims.”

Those who attended the seminar were treated to a comprehensive and detailed discussion about attorney fee issues for family law practitioners, including an analysis of pertinent statutes and case law. The seminar featured a panel of seven speakers, including our very own Attorney Whyte, who offered tips and pointers on the best practices for requesting attorney’s fees in family law proceedings.

Furthermore, the seminar highlighted multiple perspectives on the issue of attorney fees, with experienced legal professionals such as judges and lawyers contributing to the discussion in a live demonstration.

Attorneys who attended the seminar were able to count it as 3 Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits that could be applied toward satisfying their CLE requirements.

About Nicole Whyte

Attorney Nicole Whyte is an experienced family lawyer with a strong presence in the legal community and a distinguished reputation for professionalism among her peers. Her extensive knowledge in the practice of family law has made her a popular speaking authority on family law topics, creating a strong demand for her appearance at legal seminars.

Her history as a featured speaker at various seminars spans nearly two decades, including:

  • West Coast Casualty Seminars
  • Mealey’s Construction Defect Litigation Conferences
  • Mock Trial Presentations
  • DRI Conferences
  • Banyard Inns of Court Functions
  • OCBA Small and Solo Firm Section Seminars

Attorney Whyte has also written chapters various Family Law texts, such as “Staying Up to Date with New Developments and Strategies in California Family Law Litigation” and the 2012 edition of “Strategies for Family Law in California.”

You Deserve Quality and Effective Legal Counsel

Family law disputes can involve complicated legal issues that require a sophisticated and experienced legal mind to handle. At Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara, our legal team is comprised of distinguished attorneys, such as Nicole Whyte, with a comprehensive understanding of California family law.

To learn how Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara can help you, call us at (949) 229-8546 or contact us online today.
