Las Vegas Paternity Attorneys
Finding the Best Path Forward in Your Paternity Case
When a child is born to unmarried persons, a paternity case can help to ensure the child receives the support he or she needs to thrive. Paternity actions allow the court to make a finding that a person is a child’s parent and to order child support and child custody orders.
At Bremer Whyte Brown & O'Meara, our Las Vegas paternity lawyers understand Nevada paternity laws inside and out.
To schedule a consultation with our team and pursue the best path forward in your case, contact us online or via phone at (702) 297-5750.
Establishing Paternity in Nevada
There are certain factors that create a presumption that a parent is a child’s natural parent. These presumptions can be rebutted. One such conclusive presumption is if genetic testing confirms paternity by 99 percent or more.
When a child is born, both parents can sign a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity, which is filed with the Bureau of Health Planning and Statistics, Office of Vital Records. Most hospitals have systems in place to help new parents complete this process. Fathers can sign a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity even if they are married to another party who is not the birth mother of the child. There is a set deadline to take back the acknowledgment.
If a parent refuses to acknowledge paternity and/or maternity, the other parent may file a paternity action with their county court. Alternatively, the Nevada State Division of Welfare and Supportive Services may begin paternity proceedings on behalf of a mother or alleged father.
In the event that unmarried parties have a child in common, but are not able to agree to child custody, parenting time, or child support orders, the parent wishing to establish such orders may seek file a Complaint for Paternity.
A local child support office will work with the party filing the case to locate the alleged father or mother. If the alleged father or mother questions or denies the veracity of the paternity or maternity claim, the court will order a genetic test. The test can be used to analyze DNA from the alleged mother, alleged father, and the child to determine whether an alleged father or mother is indeed a child's biological parent.
After a court establishes paternity or maternity, the parent’s name may be added to the child’s birth certificate if necessary.
Once paternity or maternity is established, fathers and mothers may have certain parental rights and gain the ability to help make decisions for the child's life. Additionally, either party may request child support from the other. To learn more about how child support works in Nevada, visit our Las Vegas child support page.
Whether you're a mother or father, establishing paternity can help you ensure your child has the life he or she deserves.
To schedule a consultation with one of our Las Vegas paternity attorneys and work with a legal representative who has your child's best interests at heart, contact us online or via phone at (702) 297-5750.